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Where do you see this error? In the logs, or in the console?
Looks like application issue; another possible cause: are you connecting directly or via a proxy/reverse-proxy ?
I can't promise anything, but I'll try to figure something out.
This is extremely strange. Looks like something is hanging on server side. Please run ajenti-panel with -v switch, reach the "gears" stage, and then press Ctrl-<backslash> in the terminal. This will output (among other) a stack trace. Please post it.
(Ctrl-D Ctrl-C to stop panel later).
What browser are you using? Is this issue browser-dependent?
Please also check pstree output to see whether there are hanging child processes when the gears appear.
Please stop the service, then run ajenti-panel in foreground and look for errors.
This means Ajenti service is running in background: 
$ service ajenti stop
This looks fine. Maybe you could instead run ajenti in foreground on server side and check for any erroneous output?

$ ajenti-panel -v

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