Ваші коментарі

Could you please let me know your OS version and related sources.list?

As much as I regret to say this, Gentoo will not be supported anytime soon, and probably never due to being the least used (<0.5% for 0.6.x) Ajenti platform and one of the hardest to maintain

Ajenti can be installed and run on SUSE, but most plugins won't work because they don't support SUSE specific configuration.

Support for /etc/nginx/conf.d added to code

Debian: apt-get remove ajenti

CentOS/RHEL: yum remove ajenti

FreeBSD: pip uninstall ajenti

Fixed in the next build. In the meantime, you can reset password by replacing password SHA in /etc/ajenti/config.json with a plaintext new password (it will be rehashed when clicking Save in Configurator).

Fixed by enforcing -rwx------ on config.json.